Our Partners


International College of Dentists

The International College of Dentists (ICD or “College”) has been Honoring the World’s Leading Dentists Since 1920 tm.  Dentists who have been awarded the prestigious title of FICD (Fellow, International College of Dentists) are currently located in 122 countries worldwide.


Greater Houston Dental Society

The GHDS is the local component of the Texas Dental Association and the American Dental Association . Founded in 1904, the GHDS is the fourth largest component (local) society in the United States with over 1,600 member dentists.



Organized in 2002, AADMD (American Academy of Developmental Medicine & Dentistry) connects healthcare professionals who provide clinical care to people with neuro developmental disorders and intellectual disabilities (ND/ID). Their mission is to improve the quality of healthcare for individuals with ND/ID. 




Texas academy of general dentistry

With nearly 2,700 members, the Texas AGD is the only association in Texas that exclusively represents the needs and interests of general dentists who are the primary care providers for patients of all ages. 


University of Texas School of Dentistry

Founded in 1905, The University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston was the first dental school in Texas and was a founding institution of the world-renowned Texas Medical Center. The school continues to lead dental education today as part of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).


Texas council for developmental disabilities

The Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities (TCDD) is a state agency dedicated to improving the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families. They provide advocacy, resources, and support to help people with developmental disabilities reach their full potential.